The Mudi (pronounced “moodie”) is a herding dog that has been in existence since the 19th century, but was first recognized as a distinct breed in Hungary by Dr. Dezso Fenyes in 1936. It is closely related to the Puli and Pumi.
Today, the Mudi continues to herd cattle and sheep as well as being used for sport (flyball), companionship and show.
Weight: Male: 24–29 lbs (11–13 kg) Female: 18–24 lbs (8–11 kg)
Height: Male: 16–19 inches (41–47 cm) Female: 15–17 inches (38–44 cm)
Coat: Medium length wavy or curly.
Color: Black, White, Fawn, Ash, Black merle, Brown.
Life span: 13-14 years (max. 17.5)
Temperament: Intelligent, Loyal, Energetic, Lively, Alert, Courageous.
Health: Healthy breed. Some may be susceptible to epilepsy, hip dysplasia, cataracts, elbow dysplasia and patellar luxation.
Special Interest:
• Also known as the Hungarian Mudi.
• Said to be the “barkiest dog breed.”
• Nearly became extinct in WWll.
• Used as a search and rescue dog in both Finland and the U.S.
• Only breed in the Herding Group that has merle color and all-white dogs, too.
AKC: Herding Group
CKC: Miscellaneous Herding Group 7
UKC: Herding Dog
FCI: Group 1 Herding dogs, Section 1 Sheepdogs #238