An ancient breed believed to be descended from the Pharaoh Hound of Egypt, the Segugio Italiano (English: Italian Hound), or Segit, is an Italian scenthound that has two varieties named after their coats: the wirehaired Segugio Italiano a pelo forte and the shorthaired Segugio Italiano a pelo raso.
The Segugio Italiano has been used for tracking wild boar in Italy for over 2,500 years. The notorious Roman emperor Caligula (12-41 AD) hunted with packs of them. Today, there are few wild boar roaming the Italian countryside and they are mainly used to target smaller game like rabbits.
Weight: Male: 39-62 lbs (17.7-28.1 kg) Female: 37-60 lbs (16.8-27.2 kg)
Height: Male: 20-30 in (50.8–76.2 cm) Female: 19-28 in (48.3–71.1 cm)
Coat: Two varieties: Shorthaired and Wirehaired.
Color: Fawn or Black and Tan.
Life span: 10-14 years
Temperament: Friendly, Intelligent, Athletic, Loyal.
Health: No major health issues.
Special Interest:
• Known for its powerful Roman nose and “legs of steel.”
• The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) considers the Segugio Italiano a pelo forte and Segugio Italiano a pelo raso to be separate breeds.
KC (UK): Hound
Segugio Italiano a pelo forte:
Group 6, Section 1.2 Scenthounds: Medium-sized #198
Segugio Italiano a pelo raso:
Group 6, Section 1.2 Scenthounds: Medium-sized #337 RecommendsI LOVE MY SEGUGIO ITALIANO