Large Munsterlander

Large Munsterlander - profile by mjk23
The Large Münsterländer (German: Großer Münsterländer) is basically the black and white version of the German Longhaired Pointer. It is a versatile hunting-pointing-retrieving (HPR) breed that originated in the region around Munster, Germany in the late 19th century.

When the German Longhaired Pointer breed standard was fixed in 1878, it excluded black and white puppies. Many were culled at birth, but some were given away to hunters, gamekeepers and farm workers. These rejected survivors were, of course, as talented and versatile as the German Longhaired Pointer.

Over forty years later, in 1919, a meeting of enthusiasts gathered in Munsterland Westphalia to register and set the standard for a new breed. They decided on the name Large Münsterländer and registered 83 black and white descendants of the unwanted 19th century puppies.

Though the Large Münsterländer shares its name with the Small Münsterländer, and is from the same region, they are not related.

Large Munsterlander by Pia C. Groening

Weight: Male: 51–71 lbs (23–32 kg) Female: 51–71 lbs (23–32 kg)
Height: Male: 24–26 in (60–65 cm) Female: 23–25 in (58–63 cm)
Coat: Medium- long length. Sleek, dense and firm.
Color: Blue Roan, Black & White.
Life span: 11-13 years

Temperament: Affectionate, Lively, Trustworthy, Loyal, Trainable, Dependable.

Health: Healthy breed. Some may be susceptible to hip dysplasia. cataracts and osteochondrosis.

Special Interest:

• One litter was whelped by Benno Fisher at the home of Adolf Hitler.
• Only six litters survived WWll.
• Was introduced to North America by Kurt von Kleist in 1966.

ANKC: Group 3 (Gundogs)
KC (UK): Gundogs
NZKC: Gundogs
UKC: Gun dog
FCI: Group 7, Section 1.2 Continental Pointing Dogs: Spaniel type #118 RecommendsI Love My Large MunsterlanderI LOVE MY LARGE MUNSTERLANDER