
Documented as early as the 17th century, the Norrbottenspets (English: Nordic Spitz) is a spitz-type dog that originated in Norrbotten, Sweden and Lappland/Kainuuland, Finland.

Traditionally used to hunt wood grouse, black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse, fox, marten and raccoon, the Norrbottenspets (nor-bo-TEN-spets) can be effective against larger mammals such as moose and grizzly bear. Despite it’s superb ability to hunt and work on farms, the breed has recently become more popular as a companion dog.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) confirmed both the breed standard and official breed name, Norrbottenspets, in 1966.

Weight: Female: 18–26 lbs (8–12 kg) Male: 24–33 lbs (11–15 kg)
Height: Female: 17–18 inches (42–46 cm) Male: 17–18 inches (42–46 cm)
Coat: Hard, short, and straight. Undercoat fine and dense.
Color: White, with yellowish red or reddish brown markings.
Life span: 12-15 years

Temperament: Fearless, Active, Alert, Confident, Attentive, Daring.

Health: Healthy breed. Some may be susceptible to patellar luxation, eye problems, epilepsy and hip dysplasia.

Special Interest:

• Also known as the Norrbottenspitz and Pohjanpystykorva.
• Sometimes call Nobs for short.
• Was used to hunt squirrels, when squirrel fur was valuable in the early 20th century
• When hunting, can bark up to 120 times a minute.
• Descended from Laika-type spitz that lived with hunter-gatherers in the North Cape area during prehistoric times.

AKC: Miscellaneous
CKC: Group 2 – Hounds
UKC: Northern Breed
FCI: Group 5 Spitz and Primitive dogs, Section 2 Nordic Hunting Dogs #276 RecommendsI Love My NorrbottenspetsI LOVE MY NORBOTTENSPETS